

Keith first got involved in rehabbing in 2002 when he bought his second family home and kept his starter house as a rental. He rehabbed the original house, giving him the confidence to pursue other rentals and rehabs. Keith then transitioned from rehabbing his rentals into historic preservation, with his work on historic zombie homes landing him the City of Orlando’s Historic Preservation Award for Best Preservation in 2013 and 2017. Flipping has been part of every stage of this journey and Keith was very excited to share his craft with the world when Zombie House Flipping began in 2015.

Keith is a veteran of the 20th Special Forces Group (MSARNG) where he served as an intel analyst while in college at the University of Southern Mississippi, earning a bachelor’s in journalism in 1995. A former race car driver, Keith is also an experienced skydiver, scuba diver and a published writer. The most important thing in his life however is being a full-time dad to his three kids; boys Ayrton & Conan and a daughter nicknamed Zanuki.